Round Two for Two Door Cinema Club: Beacon

Okay. So it’s been a couple of years since we got Tourist History out of the Irish trio that are Two Door, and over the past couple of months we’ve seen a couple of releases from a new project, entitled Beacon. Well, with release around the corner, the full album has become available to listen to via Soundcloud and the TDCC  website. Now, I must admit, I wasn’t sold on Sleep Alone, the first single from this album, as I thought it was much more industrial than most of the other content that  they kicked out to us before. However, listening to this album, I’ve been proven ever so slightly wrong.

This album is definitely a step away from Tourist History, but not in a bad way. What Beacon is, is an evolution. There is less of the party tempo styled tracks like Cigarettes in the Theatre; the most similar track on this album Someday, which is still less upbeat than Undercover Martyn off the old album. Like I said, this isn’t a particularly bad thing but I do miss those kinds of tracks.

What I will say about this album, however, is that it sounds more mature. Tourist History struck me as a very lively summer album; three mates living life with a guitar. This feels more industrial, more of an autumn than a summer. And again, the sound that comes out of that is not bad. It is pleasant, more so at some points than others, but there is certainly that lack of any particular ‘wow factor’.

All in all, this is a good, solid album. There is not very much to fault with it, but it sounds very tame to me and somewhat average. Certainly, it is worth a listen, If Sleep Alone made you sceptical then you should definitely give this a listen before you make any final judgements. Pre-order it here. 


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  1. Pingback: Album Review: Babel (Mumford and Sons) | bedmagazine·

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